Calorie counting and weight loss

Calories are the amount of energy in food. Your body is constantly in need of energy and relies on calories from food to function. Calorie energy powers your every action, from fidgeting to marathon running.
The equation is simple- if you consume more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight and vice versa.
All diets, all fitness regimes boil down to this one simple thing. Even though ‘trendy’ diets may ask you to cut down on your carb intake, or only eat cheese for an entire day to reduce weight, it goes back to this one concept only.
What are calories?
Calorie is a unit of energy. When people refer to calories with respect to food, they’re actually talking about how much nutrition and energy they’re getting from eating that particular food.
The recommended intake of calorie for a person depends on various factors, including rate of metabolism, overall heath, sex, weight, height, and body structure.
Now, we know counting calories is a tricky business- it isn’t easy to find out how many calories every thing you eat contains, or how many calories you should consume in the first place. So what can you do to ensure that it becomes easier for you?
- Saving calories by cutting down on high-calorie, low energy foods- Swapping a couple of high calorie items in your daily diet, like your morning latte with a black coffee, or that post-dinner ice-cream with greek yoghurt can bring about a world of change! Think about what you eat each day and try cutting them out of your diet, swap them with low-calorie alternatives if the craving gets too bad.
- Swapping high calorie foods with low calorie options- Simple substitution can make a big difference when it comes to controlling your calories- for example, swapping whole milk with double-toned milk, or a cheese pizza which is made with maida (super refined flour) with FittR Bites instant millets dosa mix!
- Go with complex carbs - Complex carbs such as protein rich and high fiber foods helps you keep full longer thus letting you have better control on your appetite and those hunger pangs. Try replacing your processed foods like bread, noodles with FittR Bites high fiber and protein rich Ready to eat mix powder are made of millets, oats and lentils.
- Reducing portion sizes- The size of your portion dictates how many calories you’re consuming. Double the portion size means double the calories. It’s often difficult to estimate exactly how much you need to eat, especially if you’re dining out. Controlling your portion is a good way to control calorie intake. Some tips to control portions are-
- Start small. Take a little less in your plate than what you think you’d need.
- Don’t eat directly from a container, convert everything to a plate. Eating from a packet does not give you any indication of the quantity being consumed.
- Be sure to check the food labels for information on nutrition and serving size, and the number of calories per serving.
- Find a reputable calorie counter and use it to keep a track of your consumption.
Concluding it all, while exercising and fad diets can be great, you can only lose weight if you’re in a calorie deficit. Even though it’s a taxing process, it can be extremely rewarding! Save calories by switching to low-calorie, high energy substitutes- like our breakfast premixes and immunity brew drinks!